
Monday 28 November 2011

Depth of Field & Aperture Video

This is my depth of field & aperture video, where i tested the different styles of shots i could possible use for my music video.

Friday 18 November 2011

Equipment Video

This is my equipment video where I learnt how to use the crane and the dolly.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Ideas...So far

For my opening scene, i hope to have a panning shot towards the bench where the man is passed out, before the song has started. I am then thinking of having a close up on a beer can, and when the man kicks off the can onto the floor the music starts. This will display and challenge my continuity in editing and filming. After this the man will awake from passing out on the bench, light a cigarette, and recite the first verse of the song, to show that he is talking to himself. For the majority of the music video and for segments of the start of the video, i hope to use similar equipment such as a GoPro camera but reversed, so that it follows the body and face with a close up shot. After the verse is finished and the dubstep part of the song is about to start (the drop) i will use blur effects and cross over of footage to represent the man remembering his night out and what happened. This will continue to club shots, having a laugh in town with his mates, pulling girls e.t.c (typical shots from a night out). For the next verse i will cut back to the man on the bench, and i have an idea where he will go to a public toilet and look in the mirror, which i think will be a really good shot. I will weave all these shots together throughout the video. And near the end of the song it will show the man recalling going back to the bench he woke up on, and he will walk away in the distance and the final shot will be a pan down underneath the bench, where an ipod (presumably the mans) is playing the song i am using Dubba Jonny All In.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Photoshop Tutorial 2

This is my second tutorial, on how to add glow lines around a rendered image.

Firstly, i created a new project and filled the background layer with a solid black colour. 

Next, I inputted a rendered image for photoshop, and put it in front of the background layer.

Next, I drawed a path with the pen tool, and added a stroke path.

This is the effect created by adding a stroke path.

Next, I used the erase tool to edit the stroke path, to where i wanted the glowing lines to appear.

I then went to blending options, and added an purple outer glow to the layer. 

I also added an inner shadow to the glow lines.

This is the original image I used.

This is the final image.

Friday 4 November 2011

Photoshop Tutorial 1

For my first photoshop tutorial I decided to learn and use the bleach contrast boost & satin effect on a photo. Above is the original photo I used for  this tutorial.

First of all I opened up the photo in Adobe Photoshop CS4 and changed the adjustment layer to black and white as shown above.

I then created a new layer above the background layer and added a soft light layer to the picture. This working in conjunction with the black and white layer gives the original picture more definition and makes key colours such as blacks and whites stand out.

Next I added Satin, by putting the blend mode to multiply and changed the colour to purple. This gave 
the picture a purple tint.

I then clicked on the contour option in the satin menu which allowed me to adjust where the purple tint is shown around the picture, which gives it a nice wavy effect.

This is the final image.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Poster Drafts

This is my first poster draft for the artist Dubba Jonny. I decided to use Photoshop instead of InDesign for this task as i find it easier to and i have been using the program for a while. I am pleased about this first design due to the fact that i think it looks quite professional with the use of a specific downloaded font from and the use of the HMV logo in the bottom right hand corner, which makes the poster seem like it would be good enough to appear in the shop window.

If i am completely honest i dislike my second design for the Dubba Jonny poster due to the fact that it appears to be very basic, and i looking back i do not think the font was a suitable choice. However the use of the picture of the band makes the audience recognise them and draws their attention to the poster. Also i like the way i put the blockbuster logo on the green hoody, although i should have masked around the white edges to make it appear as if it was actually on the hoody.

This is my third design for Dubba Jonny posters and i used the logo for the band as the background for the plain reason that logos are important in the music industry as they give appeal and recognition to specific bands, genres and songs. I also like how i spaced out the quotes from different dubstep artists, which is very common on posters as compliments from other artists help the band get noticed.

This is my fourth and final poster design featuring Dubba Jonny, but this time i decided to base it on a tour as opposed to sticking with one artist. These are popular promotional ways of getting a tour noticed as people who are interested in the genre can see where to purchase tickets and which acts will be performing. Also the use of the UKF logo in the centre of the poster is a nice design as they represent and promote the genre of dubstep in the United Kingdom.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Time Management

Ensuring I kept to my deadlines for the coursework I used the application iCal to create events and reminders of deadlines and completed tasks. This is useful as if I miss a lesson or deadline I know exactly what needs to be done and when for.

Monday 17 October 2011

Storyboard + Animatic + Feedback

Scene No. 1
Camera Shot. Jump cuts across the bench // Pan across body.
This is my idea for my opening scene. A man will awake form a bench after passing out from a really good night. I hope to use blur effects throughout the video so that it gives the impression of him trying to remember the night.

Scene No. 2
Camera Shot. Close up on face / props such as empty cans / cigarette packet.
This second frame will be when he gets up from the bench and puts his head in his hands. This will either represent that he is tired. he has a hangover or he is trying to remember the night.

Scene No. 3
Camera Shot. POV shots // shots of scenery 
This third frame represents the man having a cigarette as an attempt to wake himself up. This will also be the build up to the droop of the song where the bass comes in.

Scene No. 4 / 5 / 6
Camera Shot. Fast paced action shots // slow motion
These next three frames and the main part of the video will be of town and inside of clubs. Ideas for these shots I have are the man and his mates doing shots at the bar, dancing / raving in the center of the dance floor and maybe get kicked out the club.

Scene No. 7
Camera Shot. Close up // depth of field
This frame is just an idea i have of a close up of the man holding face, with a heavy blur effect.

Scene No. 8
Camera Shot. match on action shot // over shoulder
This frame will be an interesting one to shoot as i will have the man look at himself in the mirror and you can see half of his body out of focus, but the main focus is on his facial expression in the mirror.

Scene No. 9
Camera Shot. Pan below bench to ipod
The final shot for my music video will be a a static shot of the man walking away from the bench, and then it will cut to a downward pan shot underneath the bench, where an ipod is playing the song that i am using for the music video.

This is the animatic for the above storyboard.

- have fast paced shots to match the pace of the music - perhaps have it slower at the beginning, then when the music gets faster and more upbeat, change the style of the shots to much faster and to create more movement
3/2/2012 10:01 AMView Responses
Maybe some more shots of the actor could be included
3/2/2012 10:00 AMView Responses
Perhaps more different angles. The opening is a little slow, maybe you could add more to it.
3/2/2012 9:59 AMView Responses
3/2/2012 9:59 AMView Responses
cuts need to be fast to work with the tempo of the music. possibly more shots of lyrics being sung.
3/2/2012 9:59 AMView Responses
Maybe have faster cuts to match the song better, good narrative
3/2/2012 9:59 AMView Responses
Will need to move a little faster in the real video than it does in the animatic. Be sure not to make it overly repetitive, possibly put a small story-line into each of the two parts of the video, what he does once he wakes up (not just have a cigarette) and maybe move on to what happened after being out at the clubs in the evening.
3/2/2012 9:58 AMView Responses
Interesting narrative, club shots fit the music genre. Maybe develop and use more filler shots, to break up the dance bit. 
3/2/2012 9:57 AMView Responses
I think faster shots would work better with the up tempo song. The locations look good for the song and i like the theme idea
3/2/2012 9:56 AMView Responses

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Digipack Draft Designs

This is my first design, i like my design as it has the colour scheme of purple, which is my favourite colour and the bright purple strobe lights represent a club atmosphere which is the kind of location i will be using for my music video. The thing i dislike about this design as it is does not look professional enough apart from the sony music and barcode pictures. My next design will be much better.
This is my second design, i prefer this to my first design due to the fact that it features the shoe which i will be wearing in my music video. Furthermore the use of gradient across the digipak gives it a nice style. The thing i dislike about the design is that gradient styles that give a nice style don't actually look that professional. I also used photoshop to mask the high top picture because it originally had a white background and would have not looked appropriate as a white square in front of the gradient.

For my third design i decided to use a different colour from purple. The black, red and white colours make the album cover look really simple and well design with bold shapes and colours. Also using a comical warning dubstep as the inside cover adds a realistic look to the cover.
 My fourth and final design is my favourite design due to the fact that it actually looks professional. Furthermore i like the way i used repetition and the multiple colours because it makes the digipack looks simple but not so simple that there is no complexity to the design. In addition I used the Ultra Records logo as opposed to the Sony music due to the black background blends in with my album.

Monday 10 October 2011


These are my potential actors i will predominantly be filming during the nightclub scenes.
Conor Wood / Russell Lewis
Ben Banim
Brad Kearsy / Marcus Hallum
James Alcock
Kimberley Noel


My possible locations for the clubs / town scenes could be mint bar / platinum nightclub.

These are a couple of benches around town i could use for my opening scene.

Tuesday 4 October 2011


This post will be about what ideas i have for the main male character, in terms of costume design.

This leather bomber jacket gives a bad boy look to the character which i think is representative of young adults and would go well with my genre of music.

These dark jeans will blend in with the bad boy style of clothes, however i may choose beige / cream chinos for another style of trousers. 

These high tops blend in with the style