
Thursday 17 November 2011

Ideas...So far

For my opening scene, i hope to have a panning shot towards the bench where the man is passed out, before the song has started. I am then thinking of having a close up on a beer can, and when the man kicks off the can onto the floor the music starts. This will display and challenge my continuity in editing and filming. After this the man will awake from passing out on the bench, light a cigarette, and recite the first verse of the song, to show that he is talking to himself. For the majority of the music video and for segments of the start of the video, i hope to use similar equipment such as a GoPro camera but reversed, so that it follows the body and face with a close up shot. After the verse is finished and the dubstep part of the song is about to start (the drop) i will use blur effects and cross over of footage to represent the man remembering his night out and what happened. This will continue to club shots, having a laugh in town with his mates, pulling girls e.t.c (typical shots from a night out). For the next verse i will cut back to the man on the bench, and i have an idea where he will go to a public toilet and look in the mirror, which i think will be a really good shot. I will weave all these shots together throughout the video. And near the end of the song it will show the man recalling going back to the bench he woke up on, and he will walk away in the distance and the final shot will be a pan down underneath the bench, where an ipod (presumably the mans) is playing the song i am using Dubba Jonny All In.

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