
Saturday 2 July 2011

Modestep - Feel Good

I chose this opening shot from the music video Modestep - Feel Good due to the fact that the mask on the women's bed is one from the collection of comedy and tradegy masks. This gives an insight into the females character as she has drawn a tongue sticking out of the mask which shows that she is a character that likes to have fun and gets up to mischief. Furthermore the women has her hood up which portrays that she does not which to be seen or to remain hidden.

In this upward shot, the office workers are opening the briefcase that has been given to them for money by the main female character. The golden / yellow light shining from the briefcase suggests that whatever is inside is precious or amazing, portrayed by the expression on the middle office workers comical face.

In this wide angled shot of the office the workers are all dancing around in a crazed fashion which contradicts the stereotype of the office being a quiet and boring place. This shows that the object in the briefcase has caused them to stop working and dance which portrays the object as powerful and/or extraordinary.

This cut shot of the club with the main vocalist from Modestep singing to the crowd sides away from the main storyline and portrays that this song is very popular in most clubs and the crowd are thoroughly enjoying the music. Also this could link back to the main story as the office workers were crazily dancing to the music, similar to the crowd in the club.

In this final shot of the music video, the briefcase from the main story is shown in the club. It is now apparent to the viewer that the song playing throughout the music video was being played from the record player disguised in the briefcase. Furthermore on the record the a face with a tongue sticking out is shown, and this relates back to the beginning of the music video where the women had a tongue drawn on her comedy and tradegy mask in her bedroom. 

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