
Wednesday 13 July 2011

Maverick Sabre - Let Me Go

I chose this opening shot from Maverick Sabre - Let Me Go due to the fact that the audience presume that this unknown character is laying dead in some sort of desert wasteland and the story unravels and revolves around this opening scene. Also the actors clothes are very smart which gives the impression that he is wealthy or very important.

This wide-angled shot of a lit-up casino sets the scene for this music video as it is very apparent that it is set in Las Vegas. The story line around the music video Let Me Go is clearly about money, wealth or just having a good time. 

This side tracking shot of the car Maverick Sabre is singing in shows that he has his own chauffeur or that he is with his "wingman" off to one of the casinos. Furthermore the car that he is in appears expensive and classic which shows he is wealthy.

This mid-ranged shot of Maverick Sabre's wingman and a n attractive woman is interesting due to the fact that it appears that they are in love but the audience find out that later on in the story that she is a gold digger and a thief. Furthermore they are also drinking what appears to be champagne which is usually associated with upper class people and also shows that alcohol can change peoples perceptions.

This final shot I chose for Let Me Go due to the fact that it brings the storyline together as the woman steals the Maverick's wingman's money and credit cards and leaves him unaware, asleep in the hotel room. Furthermore the male has none of his original clothes on him in this shot which must mean that the audience presume that this character is going to become portrayed at the start of this music video dead on the floor.

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