
Wednesday 31 August 2011

Devlin - Community Outcast

I chose this opening shot for Devlin's music video community outcast due to the fact that it sets the scene for the music video really well. Firstly the use of black and white tone throughout the video shows that this song is representative of good and bad in the world. Furthermore the fact that there are tower blocks in the background show that this is most likely set in a built up run down area in England.

This shot shows a group of kids on bikes appearing not to be doing much but hanging around. This portrays that there is not much to do in their area, perhaps due to the fault of the government not providing things for the youth to do in this area. 

This shot shows a homeless person looking through an expensive shop window. This portrays that the man wishes for a better life for himself as he does not own any money or nice clothes, let alone a place to stay. Furthermore the fact that the man has a sleeping blanket wrapped around him suggests that this is his most valuable thing to him as he is clenching it tight to keep himself warm.

This shot shows an elderly man sitting in the dark on his own. The fact that he has his eyes closed suggests that he is either tired , upset or fed up with life as he has no electricity in his home and is alone. Furthermore because he is wearing a thick jumper suggests that he does not have any heating in his home.

This shot is the most powerful one in the entire music video. Due to the fact that it shows a single mum, suspectedly dead, due to an overdose. This shows that this woman clearly couldn't cope with being a single parent and now her young child has found her dead and does not know what to do. This sums up the video as it clearly portrays how the government are not providing enough support for single parents.